Style Guide

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Give the Content class: stripe white-cloud-stripe to make the blue sky background.
Caution: this content section isn’t meant to hold content, and will not expand gracefully in the Y direction.

Blue Cloud Stripe

Give the Content class: stripe blue-cloud-stripe to make the blue cloud background. No actual content is necessary. 

Give the Content class: stripe city-skyline-stripe to make the city skyline background.
Caution: this content section isn’t meant to hold content, and will not expand gracefully in the Y direction.


“Hey, this is a testimonial! Make it with Formats > Testimonial.”

    Mark Brothers
super genius

Note: To format the Name and Title, Make the name > small and the title > small & italic. The align right is optional.

All Classes



padded-sm-top | padded-md-top | padded-lg-top 

padded-sm-bottom | padded-md-bottom | padded-lg-bottom 

stripe & white-cloud-stripe | blue-cloud-stripe | city-skyline-stripe

panel & raised-panel | blue-panel

Note: Some of these can be combined together, like “blue padded-sm-top padded-lg-bottom” for example.

Content > Configure Section (gear icon) > Code > Section HTML classes.

This is an H3 Subheading

This is some text, a brief explanation of something.

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This is another H3 Subheading

This is some more text, a brief explanation of something.

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This is an H3 Subheading

This is some text, a brief explanation of something.

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